Editor’s note: It’s graduation season, which means a slew of new dissertations! In today’s post, we feature two recent projects on the conspicuous use and abstinence of particular professional classes. These entries are part of an ongoing drug-related dissertation bibliography continuously compiled by Jonathon Erlen, selections of which were formerly published in the Social History of Alcohol and Drugs journal but are now periodically featured on the Points blog. Contact Dr. Erlen through the link above.
Predictors of Excessive Alcohol Consumption Among U.S. Business Travelers
Author: Barrickman, Jennifer Clore
Abstract: Excessive alcohol consumption (EAC) is an important public health problem. Several researchers have examined work-related influences on EAC, but few have investigated the predictors of EAC related to business travel. This study measured the association between EAC and frequency of business travel, duration of business travel, and job industry among U.S. business travelers. Research was conducted within the social-ecological theoretical framework. Snowball sampling was used to gather data from 187 business travelers. Data were evaluated using bivariate analysis to assess the association between measures of EAC and each independent variable. Multiple logistic regression was used to adjust for covariates. Respondents aged 45-54 and 55 and older had significantly lower odds of binge drinking than those aged 18-34, OR = 0.33, 95% CI [.11, .98], p < .05; and OR = .13, 95% CI [.03, .55], p < .01, respectively. Females aged 55 and older and all females who traveled frequently in the previous month had lower odds of binge drinking compared to females 18-34 and infrequent female travelers ( OR = .03, 95% CI [.00, .37], p < .01; OR = .34, 95% CI [.12, .99], p < .05, respectively). Both males (compared to females) and Protestants (compared to Catholics) had lower odds of heavy drinking ( OR = .34, CI [.14,.84], P < .05; OR = .301, CI [.09,.99], P < .05, respectively). Results highlight the prevalence of EAC among business travelers, particularly among females. Multilevel interventions are proposed, which may reduce health-related disparities associated with EAC among this population of business travelers.
Publication year: 2016
Advisor: Rohrer, James
Committee members: Okenu, Daniel; Thorpe, Roland
University/institution: Walden University
Department: Public Health
The Sober Artist and the Creative Process
Author: Daniels, Holly
Abstract: This Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA) examines the lived experiences of 6 professional creative artists who had previously struggled with drug and alcohol addiction, found successful treatment, and gone on to lead healthy, sober, emotionally well lives while still producing and performing their art. The 6 creative professionals reported that authentic and successful creative effort was enhanced, not diminished, by sobriety and abstinence from drug and alcohol use. Participants reported that drug and alcohol use was normalized in their creative cultures, and that using drugs and alcohol created an internal state that this researcher termed pseudo-flow, which granted momentary relief from their emotional discomforts and anxieties. All participants reported that they were able to find authentic flow, emotional balance, and more success in their creative efforts once achieving sobriety. This study includes guidelines for mental health professionals regarding best practices for treating creative professionals who struggle with addiction issues.
Publication year: 2016
Advisor: Rominger, Ryan
Committee members: Eagan, Terry; Netzer, Dorit
University/institution: Sofia University
Department: Global Psychology with a concentration in Transpersonal Psychology